Bottom of PageBranding ideas from Richard and Friends | Monopoly Marketing | The Personal Development Bureau

This Webpage created in October 2009 and updated on 16-Jan-2013 by Ncreu | Bookmark this webpage | My Disclaimer - E&OE.

54. 16-January-2013 - My own Business is Product Distribution
          Google search for 'my+own+business+is+product+distribution'

53. 9-September-2012 - Learning at the Speed of Thought
          Google search for 'learning+at+the+speed+of+thought'

52. 29-March-2012 - Caring for Aunty: Time Availability Limited...
          Google search for 'caring+for+aunty:+time+availability+limited...'

51. 8-March-2012 - Often Read: The Richard Parsons Daily...
          Google search for 'often+read:+the+richard+parsons+daily...'

50. 21-February-2012 - From Where do Brilliant Ideas come?
          Google search for 'from+where+do+brilliant+ideas+come'

49. 20-February-2012 - Losses Can Exceed Your Initial Deposit
          Google search for 'losses+can+exceed+your+initial+deposit'

48. 20-February-2012 - My High-Speed Train of Thoughtful Learning
          Google search for 'my+high-speed+train+of+thoughtful+learning'

47. 12-February-2012 - The Old Brewers for a Drink
          Google search for 'the+old+brewers+for+a+drink' | or visit the Old Brewers

46. 12-February-2012 - Try Mentoring with a Servant's Heart
          Google search for 'try+mentoring+with+a+servant's+heart'

Top of Page45. 28-November-2011 - TaBS is 'Think and Become Successful'
          Google search for 'tabs+is+think+and+become+successful'

44. 18-October-2011 - Be Prepared! I take no prisoners....
          Google search for 'be+prepared:+i+take+no+prisoners'

43. 11-October-2011 - I aim to capture your imagination!!
          Google search for 'i+aim+to+capture+your+imagination'

42. 5-October-2011 - Intention Commitment Trust - Socialise Educate Organise
          Google search for 'intention+commitment+trust'-'socialise-educate-organise'

41. 10-September-2011 - Building a Brand for My Business
          Google search for 'building+a+brand+for+my+business'

Top of Page40. 1-August-2011 - Interactive Internet Services from Naming Creatively
          Google search for 'interactive+internet+services+from+naming+creatively'

39. 1-July-2011 - Your Success Starts with Milecore People
          Google search for 'your+success+starts+with+milecore+people'

38. 21-May-2011 - Nothing Happens Until Somebody Buys Something
          Google search for 'nothing+happens+until+somebody+buys+something'

37. 29-Dec-2010 - Richard Parsons; Turning Negatives into Positives
          Google search for 'richard+parsons;+turning+negatives+into+positives'

36. 30-Nov-2010 - Alpha Nominees, Richard Parsons, ICAT Matrix
          Google search for 'alpha+nominees+richard+parsons+icat+matrix'

Top of Page35. 15-Nov-2010 - Alpha Nominees, Richard Parsons, Integrity Matrix
          Google search for 'alpha+nominees+richard+parsons+integrity+matrix'

34. 10-Nov-2010 - Quickly Imparting New Communicated Emotional Knowledge
          Google search for 'quickly+imparting+new+communicated+emotional+knowledge'

33. 1-Nov-2010 - New Media for Expressing Your Creativity
          Google search for 'new+media+for+expressing+your+creativity'

32. 27-Oct-2010 - New Media for Sharing Magical Ideas
          Google search for 'new+media+for+sharing+magical+ideas'

31. 22-Sep-2010 - Developing the Mindset of a 'business-builder'
          Google search for 'Developing the Mindset of a 'business-builder''

Top of Page30. 21-Sep-2010 - the web 'speeds-up' the learning process
          Google search for 'the web 'speeds-up' the learning process'

29. 20-Sep-2010 - Production+Marketing+Advertising+Servicing=More Sales
          Google search for 'production+marketing+advertising+servicing=more+sales'

28. 8-Sep-2010 - thoughts and ideas....... cause and effect......
          Google search for 'thoughts and ideas....... cause and effect......'

27. 30-Aug-2010 - ...Using the Power of the Internet!
          Google search for '...using the power of the internet!'

26. 30-Aug-2010 - short-term cost to achieve long-term value
          Google search for 'short-term cost to achieve long-term value'

Top of Page25. 28-Aug-2010 - information / technology - which is more important?
          Google search for 'information / technology - which is more important?'

24. 17-Aug-2010 - Procrastination or a lack of Inspiration?
          Google search for 'Procrastination or a lack of Inspiration?'

23. 14-Aug-2010 - Social Networking: Emotion, Time and Money
          Google search for 'social networking: emotion, time and money'

22. 12-Aug-2010 - building the largest, most responsive network
          Google search for 'building the largest, most responsive network'

21. 9-Aug-2010 - Practical Enlightenment: Having Fun with Acronyms!
          Google search for 'Practical Enlightenment: Having Fun with Acronyms!'

Top of Page20. 6-Aug-2010 - Practical Enlightenment: Prejudice, Bigotry and Presumption
          Google search for 'Practical Enlightenment: Prejudice, Bigotry and Presumption'

19. 12-Jul-2010 - Clear Your Debts before You Die
          Google search for 'Clear Your Debts before You Die'

18. 20-Jun-2010 - Building Definition in an Online World
          Google search for 'Building Definition in an Online World'

17. 12-Apr-2010 - With whom will you converse today?
          Google search for 'With whom will you converse today?'

16. 3-Apr-2010 - Amazing Wellness Products taste sooooo.... GOOD!
          Google search for 'Amazing Wellness Products taste sooooo.... GOOD!'

Top of Page15. 28-Mar-2010 - keep having, sharing and using ideas
          Google search for 'keep having, sharing and using ideas'

14. 12-Feb-2010 - Will Your Budget Accommodate Your Ambition?
          Google search for 'will your budget accommodate your ambition'

13. 10-Jan-2010 - Your time......., your most valuable asset!
          Google search for 'Your time......., your most valuable asset!'

12. 7-Jan-2010 - Lead, Follow or Create the Future
          Google search for 'Lead, Follow or Create the Future'

11. 17-Dec-2009 - Getting Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Services
          Google search for 'Getting Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Services'

Top of Page10. 25-Nov-2009 - 15 thousand dollars in 15 days
          Google search for '15 thousand dollars in 15 days'

9. 1-Nov-2009 - Be here one year from now
          Google search for 'Be here one year from now'

8. 28-Oct-2009 - Community Engagement through Social Influencing Mechanisms
          Google search for 'Community Engagement through Social Influencing Mechanisms'

7. 22-Sep-2009 - What's your intention, where's your commitment?
          Google search for 'What's your intention, where's your commitment?'

6. 1-Sep-2009 - Meet Ecademy people and be creative
          Google search for 'meet ecademy people and be creative'

Top of Page5. 25-Aug-2009 - The Evolution of Business and Learning
          Google search for 'The Evolution of Business and Learning'

4. 24-Aug-2009 - The 'money people' are the kingmakers!
          Google search for 'The 'money people' are the kingmakers!'

3. 10-Aug-2009 - When will somebody Twitter this thread?
          Google search for 'When will somebody Twitter this thread?'

2. 4-Aug-2009 - Creatively Building a Brand for Business
          Google search for 'Building a Brand for Business'

1. 22-Jul-2008 - Brand Building Through Effective Internet Addressing
          Google search for 'Brand Building Through Effective Internet Addressing'

Top of PageThe links on this webpage refer to an Ecademy thread entitled 'Your Brand Story in Six Words'.

Connect with Richard Parsons at the AdLand Pro Community

Connect with Richard Parsons at the DirectMatches Community



Kind Regards

Richard Parsons at 27 West Dean,
SALISBURY, Wiltshire. UK. SP5-1JQ
Tel: +44 (0)1794-341405 or Skype: rchrdprsns :: Fax: 0870-7064179 ::

Member of the UK's Federation of Small Businesses    Google: My Three 'Ts' for 2010: Trust, Tolerance and Talent
: My Three 'Ts' for 2010: Trust, Tolerance and Talent
   Yahoo!: My Three 'Ts' for 2010: Trust, Tolerance and Talent
: My Three 'Ts' for 2010: Trust, Tolerance and Talent
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